Volunteer Opportunities
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller
Bingo Coordinator/Caller (Set up game, call out numbers, hand out prizes, clean up)
Bonfire Helpers (Help hand out supplies, roasting assistance, put out fire with extinguisher)
Bonfire Troubadour (Musician to play music during bonfire)
Chalkboard Scribe (Complete the schedule for the next day before evening chapel.The Conference Chairs will give you the next day's information the day before.)
Children's Door Sign Creator (Make a name plate with the first name of each child in a particular room. List will be provided by Registrar)
Dinner Grace/Prayer (Offer a short prayer or reading of your choice at the beginning of dinner)
Dock Greeter (Arrive at dock by 11 a.m. to help greet conferees and hand out information packets)
Evening Worship/Chapel helpers (Holding flashlights, ring bell before Chapel)
Great People Hunt Helpers (help round up teens and make sure participants are inside of perimeter road)
Ice Cream Social Scoopers (help serve ice cream during the Conferee vs Pels Softball game)
New Shoaler Buddy (For returning conferees only. You will be assigned a new Shoaler and will help them get acclimated to the island and help answer questions they may have)
Polar Bear Chiefs (Create/Bring fun certificates that will then be filled out on island for all who participate in the Polar Bear Plunge. Also takes down names of each daily participants)
Porch Jam Players (Musicians willing to play fun songs for 30 mins between the end of programming and beginning of lunch)
Smutty Nose Rowers (Help row youth to smutty nose)
Softball Announcers
Softball Game Helper, kids game (Assist Chris in playing a friendly game with kids who are not old enough to play is the Conferee vs Pels game. Coaching, running, pitching and clean up))
Softball Score Keeper (Help keep score of the Conferee vs Pels game)
Star Gazing Leader (Help fellow conferees discover constellations)
Starlight helpers (Help with set up and break down of Starlight events)
Tie Dye Rinsing