Welcome to “Star Island Journeys,” an enriching daytime workshop designed exclusively for young adults aged 18-24, nestled amidst the serene shores of the Isles of Shoals. This experience offers a unique fusion of spiritual practice, camaraderie and games, shared group discussions and creativity, and a meaningful service project. Our Journeys group will spend 2-3 hours each day with an amazing advisor exploring Faith formation/spiritual practice and working on an island service project, all while bonding as a group through team-building games and activities. Each day will also include a fun adventure such as rowing to neighboring islands to go swimming & cliff jumping, taking a look at the behind-the-scenes operation, exploring the many treasures the island has to offer; and those who are interested can take part in the annual softball game!
Our workshop invites young adults to embark on a journey of self-exploration, fostering deep connections with themselves, others, and the natural world. Through personal reflections, interactive games, group discussions, and a service project, participants will cultivate a sense of purpose, community, and spiritual fulfillment.
Workshop Highlights:
Exploring your values: Through interactive exercises and group discussions, participants will gain valuable insights into their own values, strengths, and aspirations.
Join us for a transformative journey of self-discovery, spiritual enrichment, and connection on the enchanting shores of Star Island. Together, let's journey toward a deeper sense of connection, purpose, and joy.
Note: Workshop activities and schedules may be adjusted to accommodate participant needs, preferences, and environmental conditions. Participants are encouraged to bring an open heart, a spirit of curiosity, and a willingness to embrace new experiences.
Our workshop invites young adults to embark on a journey of self-exploration, fostering deep connections with themselves, others, and the natural world. Through personal reflections, interactive games, group discussions, and a service project, participants will cultivate a sense of purpose, community, and spiritual fulfillment.
Workshop Highlights:
- Morning Mindfulness: Kickstart each day with guided mindfulness sessions set against the backdrop of the island's tranquil landscapes. Embrace the present moment, cultivate inner peace, and set positive intentions for the day ahead.
- Creative Expression: Tap into your creativity through expressive art, writing prompts, and storytelling circles. Explore different mediums of self-expression, unleash your imagination, and share your unique perspectives with fellow participants in a supportive and non-judgmental space.
- Community Building: Forge meaningful connections with like-minded peers through group discussions, shared meals, and collaborative projects. Cultivate a sense of belonging and camaraderie as you engage in open dialogue, celebrate diversity, and embrace the richness of human experience.
Exploring your values: Through interactive exercises and group discussions, participants will gain valuable insights into their own values, strengths, and aspirations.
- On-Island Service Project: Contribute to the island community through a meaningful service project focused on environmental stewardship, conservation efforts, and sustainable practices. Work collaboratively with fellow participants to make a positive impact, honor the interconnectedness of all living beings, and embody principles of service and compassion.
Join us for a transformative journey of self-discovery, spiritual enrichment, and connection on the enchanting shores of Star Island. Together, let's journey toward a deeper sense of connection, purpose, and joy.
Note: Workshop activities and schedules may be adjusted to accommodate participant needs, preferences, and environmental conditions. Participants are encouraged to bring an open heart, a spirit of curiosity, and a willingness to embrace new experiences.